⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.

Inspections are taken as a “snapshot” of the day and time, and should not necessarily be taken as overall indicators of an establishment’s cleanliness. Violations are often corrected prior to the inspector leaving the site.

Lebanon High School

January 4, 2019 | 1000 S 8th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042

4 – 202.16 E Nonfood Contact Surfaces
A pedestal fan in the kitchen has an accumulation of dust on the blades and the fan guard.

Zweier’s Food

Found to be out of compliance.

January 8, 2019 | 505 S. Lincoln Ave, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Raw shell eggs were stored over ready to eat food in the reach-in refrigerator in the prep kitchen

3 – 501.16(A1) Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Hot Holding
Macaroni & Cheese was held at 120°F, in the hot holding area, rather than 135°F or above as required. Deli manager re-heated food to 165°F.

46.1201 (a) Statutory requirement.
Food facility operator failed to post an original, valid Food Employee Certification in a location conspicuous to the consumer.

3 – 501.18 Ready-to-Eat, Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food, Dispostion
Deli items, which are time and temperature controlled for safety food and ready to eat food that requires date-marking, were not date marked.

4 – 601.11(A) Equipment, Food Contact Surfaces, Nonfood Contact Surfaces and Utensils
Ceiling tiles over kitchen stove are deteriorating; particles and dust could fall into the food.
The interior ceiling of the microwave is damaged and needs to be repaired or replaced.

6 – 202.11 Light Bulbs, Protective Shielding
Lights are not shielded or shatter proof over in several areas of the facility.

2 – 401.11 Eating, Drinking or Using Tobacco
An open employee’s beverage container was observed in the kitchen storage area.

3 – 101.11 Safe, Unadulterated & Honestly Presented
Nine cans of infant formula were for sale past the expiration date. The value was $48.51; they were removed from the shelf.

6 – 201.12 Floors, Walls, and Ceilings, Utility Lines
The ceiling is leaking water in the kitchen storage room as evidenced by the severely stained and missing ceiling tiles.

6 – 202.15 Outer Openings, Protected
Various doors located in the food facility have gaps and do not protect against the entry of insects, rodents, and other animals.

8th St. Exxon

Found to be out of compliance.

January 8, 2019 | 742 Walnut Street, Lebanon, PA 17042

3 – 302.11 Packaged and Unpackaged Food-Separation, Packaging & Segregation
Open hot dogs in the walk-in are not covered and are not date marked.
Raw shell eggs are stored over ready to eat foods in the 2 door Coke refrigerator.

4 – 101.17 Wood, Use Limitations
A raw wood frame is constructed for support of the 3 bay sink. The wood is not cleanable.

4 – 302.14 Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices
Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration

4 – 501.11 Good Repair & Proper Adjustment-Equipment
The metal scoop for the ice machine is rusting and needs repaired or replaced.

3 – 305.11 Food Storage, Preventing Contamination from the Premises
Observed food (ice) stored directly on the floor in the walk-in freezer, rather than 6 inches off of the floor as required.


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