⏲︎ This article is more than a year old.

PennDOT began a project this week that will close Mount Zion Road just north of Seyfert Orchards through September.

The detour will re-route motorists to Prescott Road and US 422. PennDOT says the road, officially State Route 1011, averages 3,400 vehicles daily.

The project will replace an 111-year-old two-span rigid-frame culvert that brings the Swatara Creek tributary underneath the road. Crews will excavate and remove the existing span and replace it with a precast concrete arch on cast-in-place concrete spread footings.

PennDOT will also reconstruct the roadway and approach work, as well as adding new signs, guiderails, and pavement markings.

The project is an $849,590 contract with Kinsley Construction, Inc., of York. The contract was awarded December 10, 2018.


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