To the Lebanon Area Fair Community:

The 2020 Lebanon Area Fair has officially come to an end and we have had some time to reflect on what we achieved during the most unique fair that any of us have ever experienced.

During the course of Fair week, we hosted shows and judged indoor exhibits for over 1,300 youth entries. We waived entry fees and maintained full premium payments and special awards to our youth exhibitors. We held very successful drive-thru ham and chicken barbeques, getting our hungry supporters through the takeout lines in record time. We held a silent auction on Facebook that raised over $2,000 for our youth scholarship fund. We gave our loyal fairgoers a chance to get a “taste” of a regular fair with a drive-in food truck event every night of the fair—offering such things as the Fair’s famous milkshakes from Lebanon County Dairy Promotion, soft pretzels, funnel cakes, and cotton candy. And on the second Saturday night, we packed the fairgrounds and surrounding countryside with cars of people eager to spend a night out and watch a tremendous fireworks display—a time-honored traditional end to the Lebanon Area Fair.

To our vendors that participated in our drive-in fair food event, we thank you for helping us provide this option to our loyal patrons.

To our youth exhibitors and their families who dealt with the many modifications to schedule, check-in times, etc., we thank you for your patience and respect and we congratulate you on what you achieved.

To our volunteers, we thank you, as always, for giving up valuable time to help this very worthy cause. These events do not happen without an army of dedicated volunteers.

To our sponsors, we thank you for sticking with us in this less-than optimal year. We encourage everyone touched by the Fair to check out our list of sponsors and thank those businesses/organizations for allowing this event to happen and for allowing our Organization to survive into the future.

And to the broader community, thank you for your patience and your understanding. We, more than anyone else, would have rather had a regular Fair. Your attendance at the events we were able to have and your enthusiasm about what we were doing were a bright spot in this challenging year.

We look forward to bringing you a full 2021 Lebanon Area Fair and seeing all of your familiar faces. We will never quit working for the Organization and the Event that we know and love. Our planning for next year starts now!

Lebanon Area Fair Board

Thanks to our sponsors



Bell & Evans


Farm Credit


Stanilla, Siegel & Maser LLC





Lebanon County 4-H Program


Visit Lebanon Valley




5th Avenue Animal Hospital


Agricultural Veterinary Associates LLC


Animal Health Care of Myerstown


Balsbaugh Insurance Agency Inc.


Bamberger’s Inc.


Bernard C. Morrissey Insurance


Ephrata National Bank


Farmer Boy


First Citizens Community Bank


Fulton Financial Corp.


 Hoaster Gebhard & Co.



Godshalls Quality Meats Inc.


Edward Jones – Doug Russell Financial Advisor


K&K Feeds LLC


Kauffman’s Animal Health Inc.


Kountry Kraft Inc.


Kreamer & Lum Funeral Home & Crematory


Lebanon County Farm Bureau


Porterfield-Scheid Funeral Directors


R&B Kreider Pioneer Products


Reedy’s Diesel Service


Robert J. Phillips State Farm Insurance


Veterinary Medical Center of Lebanon


Wengers of Myerstown


Woodland Contractors Inc.



Zinn’s Insurance





Beers & Hoffman Architecture


Brown Signs Inc.


Patrick Kerwin Family



PRL Inc.



Chef on the Go

Four Seasons Motel

Gross Funeral Home

Ellis Lee Hostetter

Richland Shooter Supplies

Seyfert’s Corn Maze


This post was shared as part of an advertising partnership with the Lebanon Area Fair. Learn more about LebTown advertising here.


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