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In a recent social media posting, Cornwall Borough Mayor Mark Thomas, who is running for re-election this fall, states, “If some of my constitutes [sic] were freaks, or say an enemy of America or the Bible, I would have no interest in representing them.”

While Mr. Thomas, as a private citizen has every right to express his opinion, he is not free from the consequences of expressing those opinions and as an elected official he has a responsibility to represent everyone in the borough.

What does this mean for citizens of Cornwall? Does everyone need to pass the “Thomas” test to be represented by the government of Cornwall? Unless you meet the correct racial, ethnic and religious tests Cornwall’s government will ignore or reject you? No city services? Police surveillance?

The worry is that the “Thomas” test will become increasingly restrictive. Jews, Muslims, Hindus and other religions are not wanted. What races will be restricted? Which national origins? Are both Catholics and Protestants acceptable? Who will be labeled as a freak and thus unworthy of representation? What about in the future?

If every elected official can now set their own test for who is accepted vs. rejected in this country and borough, where are we as a Nation, a State? Who is Mark Thomas to reject freedom of religion established by the founders of this nation?

T. Maenad Widdershins is a resident of the Borough of Cornwall with a degree in applied mathematics.

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