LebTown features a different Lebanon County pet each Friday to help us enter the weekend with the best vibes possible.

This week, meet Bear, Cookie, and Sky!

“We have three beautiful dogs,” writes Doug Stark, each with “their own personalities.”


Sky is a sheltie, he says, and she came to the Stark family of South Lebanon as a puppy. His son is diabetic, Doug says, and “she knows when his sugars are off, and even with his mood swings from low sugars. … She will come to us in jump up on my lap and basically alert me, about my son’s blood sugars.”

Cookie is a pomeranian. “She is just a wonderful dog, she loves people,” Doug writes, “She’s not the most friendliest to children but she once she gets to know them she just can’t stop loving.”

And then there’s Bear, the Stark family’s 3 1/2-pound chihuahua. Doug says he’s his wife’s “survival dog.”

“He stays very close to my wife, and helps her during any depression, or any other illness,” he explains. “He is like having a little baby around the house.”

“All three dogs are very part of our home in it. Any one of them could be … our pet of the week.”

Congratulations to all three of you for being this week’s LebTown Pet(s) of the Week!

Looking for a pet? Check out available adoptions at the Humane Society of Lebanon County.

To nominate your pet, email pets@lebtown.com and include:

  • Your name and your pet’s name
  • Pet’s breed if applicable
  • A little about your pet and why they should be “Pet of the Week”
  • And of course—pictures! Feel free to send high-quality attachments or a link to an online storage service.

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Tom has been a professional journalist for nearly four decades. In his spare time, he plays fiddle with the Irish band Fire in the Glen, and he reviews music, books and movies for Rambles.NET. He lives with his wife, Michelle, and has four children: Vinnie, Molly, Annabelle and Wolf.


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