The Lebanon Council No. 27 of the Royal & Select Masters Masons of Pennsylvania has donated $1,000 to the Lebanon County Special Olympics.

LebTown Staff
50 years since Cornwall ore mines closed commemorated with new history book
Marking 50 years since the closure of the Cornwall Ore Mines, a new publication offers a comprehensive look into one of the world’s most prolific iron ore mining operations.
🔗 Tropical bird spotted for the first time in Pennsylvania at Middle Creek, Lancaster County
On Saturday, a crowd armed with binoculars and cameras gathered on the edge of a road in Clay Township. Their goal: To spot a rare, feathered visitor to the area, believed to be the first of its kind in Pennsylvania.
Blotter: Vehicle fire, false identification to police, assault, thefts
Here are the latest updates from local and state police in Lebanon County.
Recent Lebanon County obituaries for week of July 10
Here are the latest obituaries from around Lebanon County.
🔗 Artist, muralist, magician and author Katie Trainer talks her many talents
Radio host Scott LaMar says that Lebanon resident Katie Trainer has to be one of the most talented people who has ever appeared on The Spark.
🔗 Camp Mount Gretna memories celebrated by historical society
Located in southwestern Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, the weeklong sleepover camp was established by the Evangelical United Brethren Church as an adjunct to its Campmeeting and Bible Conference that had been gathering in this pleasant wooded setting since their beginnings in the late 19th century.
🔗 Pennsylvania State Trooper nearly hit by stolen Maserati in high-speed Midstate chase
Albiery Lugo-Reyes, 19, of New York, is alleged to have stolen a white Maserati Ghibli from an auto auction center in York County, then led State Police on a pursuit that ended in Lebanon County, according to the criminal complaint.
🔗 Wawa and Sheetz and other convenience stores owe their success to dairy beginnings
Sheetz, Wawa and Turkey Hill have gas stations across the Mid-Atlantic, but they got their start selling an entirely different liquid.
8 gardens in Cornwall/South Lebanon on route for Historic Preservation Trust tour
The Historic Preservation Trust of Lebanon County will hold its annual garden tour on Saturday, July 8, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the southern Lebanon area.
Lebanon County real estate transfers (June 16 to June 30)
Here are the real estate transfers recorded in Lebanon County for the second half of June.
The latest food safety violations in Lebanon County
Here are the most recent food safety violations in Lebanon County, as documented by Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture.
Recent Lebanon County obituaries for week of July 3
Here are the latest obituaries from around Lebanon County.
Blotter: DUI checkpoint, pedicycle-SUV crash, loose pigs, trespassing
Here are the latest updates from local and state police in Lebanon County.
Gerhart and Shirk receive 2023 Alletta Schadler Award for Community Service
Lebanon County residents Olivia Gerhart and Alexis Shirk have been recognized as the distinguished recipients of the 2023 Alletta Schadler Community Service/Engagement Award.