Family First Health invites the community to its family-friendly Health Lebanon BLock Party on Thursday, August 12 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at its medical office parking lot at 300 Willow Street, Entrance B, Lebanon.

Family First Health
Join us at the YMCA for our upcoming community events [Paid Press Release]
The Lebanon Valley Family YMCA has always been a great community partner.
Free job fair to be held on August 16 [Paid Press Release]
To help residents who are looking for new job opportunities, Sen. Chris Gebhard (R-48) is partnering with Reps. Frank Ryan (R-101), Russ Diamond (R-102), Sue Helm (R-104) to host a free job fair on Monday, August 16, from 4-7 p.m. at the Lebanon Valley Expo Center, North Hall, 80 Rocherty Road, Lebanon.
LFCU take part celebrating National Night Out! [Paid Press Release]
On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, LFCU joined in with other organizations throughout the county to celebrate National Night Out in both Myerstown and Campbelltown.
Which retirement plan is right for your business? [Paid Press Release]
If you’re a business owner, you’ve got a lot on your mind – cash flow, competition, marketing, and so on. However, you may also want to think about tomorrow – if you don’t already have one, you might want to consider establishing a retirement plan.
Test your business idea with the experts [Paid Press Release]
Do you have a great idea for a business? The Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence is hosting monthly sessions of the Idea Sessions. Idea Sessions are available the first Monday of each month between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.
Come join our Y Family! [Paid Press Release]
The Lebanon Valley Family YMCA wants you to join our family whether it is as a member or as staff!
Family First Health Continues COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in Lebanon [Paid Press Release]
Family First Health continues to offer free COVID-19 vaccines to adults 18 years and older at its Lebanon site at 300 Willow Street, Entrance B.
LFCU partnering with United Way for 2021 School Drive and Backpack Distribution [Paid Press Release]
LFCU is partnering with United Way on the 2021 School Drive and Backpack Distribution, formally known as the “Stuff the Bus” collection.
The Y… Something for everyone! [Paid Press Release]
The Lebanon Valley Family YMCA has something for everyone!
Stop defunding public education [Paid Press Release]
SB-1 defunds public education!
Calling all bakers for the Homemade Chocolate Cake contest [Paid Press Release]
Calling all bakers for the 2021 Homemade Chocolate Cake contest to be held on Monday, July 26, at the Lebanon Area Fair.
Calling all junior bakers for the PA Preferred Cookies, Brownies & Bars contest [Paid Press Release]
Calling all bakers for the 2021 PA Preferred®Junior Baking
Cookies, Brownies & Bars contest to be held on Monday, July 26, at the Lebanon Area Fair.
Calling all bakers for the 2021 Blue Ribbon Apple Pie baking contest [Paid Press Release]
Calling all bakers for the 2021 Blue Ribbon Apple Pie baking contest to be held on Monday, July, 26th at the Lebanon Area Fair.
Future branch location for Lebanon FCU: Jonestown [Paid Press Release]
Future branch location in Jonestown located across from Dollar General Store on Jonestown Rd.