El Consejo de las Artes de Lebanon Valley dio a conocer su exposición de peces fuera del agua durante el primer viernes, el 3 de julio, y LebTown estuvo allí para capturar el evento.

LebTown Staff
🔗 One person dead after series of crashes along Interstate 81 in Lebanon County
Roadways are officially reopened after a series of crashes on I-81 in Lebanon County that left at least one person dead.
Las últimas violaciones de seguridad alimentaria en el condado de Lebanon
Estas son las violaciones más recientes de la inocuidad de los alimentos en el condado de Lebanon, según lo documentado por el Departamento de Agricultura de Pensilvania.
Gap realiza el calendario de demoliciones y entrenamiento de morteros de julio
Si escuchas estruendos del norte del condado de Lebanon en las próximas semanas, no te preocupes –probablemente sea sólo el Gap.
🔗 U.S. to take stake in troubled trucking company YRC Worldwide
New Penn owner YRC Worldwide Inc said on Wednesday it would give the U.S. government a 29.6% stake in the trucking company in exchange for a $700 million loan, tapping into a $17 billion bailout fund originally intended for defense contractors such as Boeing Co.
🔗 Better late than never: Lebanon County goes green as businesses eager to reopen
Being the last county to go green noticeably affected business over the past week alone, some said.
La ciudad publica detalles sobre los fuegos artificiales; parque cerrado, estacionamiento en la calle cercana
La ciudad de Lebanon ha anunciado más información sobre la exhibición de fuegos artificiales del 4 de julio de este año.
🔗 Palmyra man gets 12 to 27 years for robbing woman who was changing baby’s diaper
A Lebanon County man who held up a woman while she was changing a baby’s diaper in a shopping center parking lot north of Selinsgrove last October has been sentenced to 12 to 27 years in state prison.
Las últimas violaciones de seguridad alimentaria en el condado de Lebanon
Estas son las violaciones más recientes de la inocuidad de los alimentos en el condado de Lebanon, según lo documentado por el Departamento de Agricultura de Pensilvania.
🔗 Jury convicts man of 2018 double murder in Lebanon County
A Lebanon County jury convicted Gilberto Torres-Reyes on two counts of first-degree murder among other charges June 26 following a week-long trial.
🔗 Fire damages units at Willows Senior Apartments in Lebanon (Paywall)
No injuries reported so far in Monday’s 3-alarm fire at the Willows Senior Apartment. According to Lebanon City Fire Department, fire was showing from the second floor balcony of an apartment when crews arrived.
🔗 Crews battling 3-Alarm fire at Lebanon County apartment complex
According to dispatchers, calls came in around 11:20 a.m. for a fire at the Willow Senior Apartments complex located in the 600 block of North 12th Street.
🔗 Pa. senator’s brain cancer battle inspires him to recognize survivors of the disease: ‘All are heroes’
“It’s very personal to me but it’s a disease that is so rampant,” said state Senator Dave Arnold in an interview with PennLive. “We need to find some cures, if that’s possible, somehow.”
🔗 Lebanon County National Guard Unit prepares for deployment to the Middle East
About 900 soldiers with the Pennsylvania National Guard’s 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade are preparing to deploy to the Middle East in support of U.S. Central Command.
🔗 Overturned truck carrying paint closes part of Interstate 81 in Lebanon County
Pennsylvania State Police say an overturned tractor-trailer closed part of Interstate 81 in Lebanon County Sunday morning.